Wednesday 4 December 2013

No. 3

A mish mash of thoughts.. bear with me

Seeking distraction from revision, I have returned to the blog. What revision might you ask? A professional lady, more than two years into her career and almost three years out of university, what exams could these be? Insurance exams. (Massive anti-climax)

These have been the bane of my life for the past 24 months. Creeping up in a timely fashion whenever anything exciting looms, these exams present themselves like an invitation to your great-aunt’s 85th birthday on the same weekend as your best mate’s party you have been looking forward to for weeks. March birthdays have been subdued affairs and late summer holiday plans scuppered in the seemingly endless April-October examination cycle.

Now how is this relevant? Well, it just so happens that my final (fingers crossed) two exams fall the same week as the London Marathon. What brilliant timing once again. The Tuesday and the Wednesday prior to Sunday 13th April, I will be sitting in a big hall for 2/3 hours getting hand cramp and trying not to think about pounding out 26.2 miles in just a couple of days’ time. (Cue sympathy donations to my just giving page

Now that long-winded plug for monies is out of the way, I am very pleased to report that I have successfully hosted my first Marathon Supper Club. It was an intimate affair at a friend of mine’s flat. Pictures of the courses are posted below. Was very happy that costs were kept down to 4.50 a head for the whole meal, keeping to my promise that it should always be below 10 pounds for a meal with me (excluding donations of course...) Thank you B & T for being my guinea pigs. (Yes that was the first time I had cooked two of the three courses…) Three more lined up before Christmas and open for bookings thereafter. It could be part of your January detox? All the courses are made from scratch and only use simple, natural ingredients. No refined or processed rubbish. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. (Second plug hereby concluded – What is a blog useful for if not self-advertisement?)

Should probably mention a little about how my training is going. Or pre-training as I like to call it. The typical length of time recommended to train for a marathon is 16 weeks. That would mean my official training plan kicks in on 23rd December. I don’t think I need to comment on timing again.

Last weekend, me and the boyf (it is possible that I may have inadvertently bullied him into signing up too) attended an endurance workshop in Regent’s Park hosted by a company called Full Potential. It was a very informative and useful day of training advice, handy tips on kit, and how best to plan the next few months of our lives. It was quite inspiring talking to all the other athletes and the coaches to hear their stories and running ambitions. 

Consequently I am feeling pretty positive about the whole thing at the moment. Possibly due to the fact that it is a tiny speck in the distant horizon of time. Let’s see how I’m feeling in February when it is still a while away and I am battling with my inner (probably more sensible) self telling me this was not my best idea and why don’t I just do normal things like club hockey for fitness or swimming (at least its indoors).

Hopefully what will help me through these inevitable moments is the cause I am running on behalf of. Let me tell you a little story… Whizz Kidz was founded by a guy in Tesco. Or Asda. Either way, the chap noticed a girl in a conventional wheelchair was struggling to reach a box of cereal, possibly Crunchy Nut, which was high above on one of the top shelves. There was no way this girl could get her Crunchy Nut without someone to assist her. This is the same for thousands of disabled kids across the country (and world, but let’s keep it focussed). They are totally reliant on family and other people to function in day-to-day life. Now this chap, let’s call him Sam, decided to run the London Marathon to raise four thousand pounds for a super duper wheelchair that would help the girl get her box of Crunchy Nut. Contrary to popular belief, Sam’s cause was not all about Crunchy Nut. The cereal represents all the things that the girl was unable to do for herself prior to Sam’s fundraising and receiving the new wheelchair. Sam did not stop there, and Whizz Kidz was born.

I am running to help kids be more independent and live the life that they have a right to enjoy.

Thanks for your support.

(Book a Supper Club!)

Morty x

Pockets of Power! (Sweet potato with Goat's Cheese wrapped in Parma Ham)
Sausage Stuffed Peppers

Blackberry and Apple Crumble

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